AIQ’S Voice Drop is an exciting way to revolutionize your communication strategy, giving you the power to further personalize your customer interactions matched with delivery assurance. Let’s explore important best practices to keep in mind as you look to enhance your marketing strategy and incorporate Voice Drop’s into your campaign plans.


Best Practices for: Use

Leverage AIQ’S Voice Drop to highlight a larger promotion or a few of your most attractive deals available.

Focusing on major discounts makes this feature most effective, giving the customer minimal information to digest. Don’t worry, your other deals can still shine. Other valuable deals can be promoted in the discount graphic available to view directly in the customer’s wallet. Simply upload a graphic to the discount tied to the Voice Drop campaign that highlights your current promotions. Suggested size: 1080x1080px

Provide an accessible method to learn about promotions. Leverage the inclusivity of Voice Drop communication, because not all customers are able to read or receive texts as conveniently as the standard consumer. Segment audiences so you can connect to specific customer groups, strategically targeting consumers you were otherwise unable to reach with traditional methods.

When the unexpected occurs: Things happen – the power goes out or a maintenance need comes up and you have to temporarily close. Let your customers know right away without the need to design a campaign by quickly leveraging the AI capabilities to create a quick and easy Voice Drop.

When the holidays hit: Filtration can be extreme, and messages can be repetitive amongst the competition. Reach your customers differently & directly with Voice Drop during peak retail holidays.

Best Practices for: Structure

Lead with your brand and introduce the relevant promotion(s) right off the bat so customers know it’s you and are interested in listening to your message. Utilize personalization macros to enhance the receiver experience by inputting their first name into the Voice Drop, available points on their account and/or any other relevant ties to the customer you see fit.

Keep it between 60-90 seconds: Don’t overwhelm the receiver and lose your deals within the content by including details you could otherwise provide in the wallet view of the promotion you’re pushing.

Please note, if the message is below 60 seconds in length, it will replay on loop until it reaches the 60 second minimum in-order to remain compliant. A good work-around for a shorter message is to include store hours, plug your social media, or remind them of ongoing rewards, like refer-a-friend or points on purchases.

Eliminate short phrases: When leveraging the AI tool, longer sentences sound more personal. Combining information when able will keep the human component alive with AI Voice Drops.

Best Practices for: Scheduling

Target customers during optimal time frames: Morning commutes, lunch-time and happy hour periods are great times to leverage Voice Drops. Customers will likely be more engaged with their phone on break, or plugged into their vehicle on the drive to and from home. During this time, customers can be more effectively influenced to plan a stop at your shop to take advantage of a great deal as they look to plan their next moves for the day.

Please note, Voice Drops can only be scheduled between 9AM-9PM within your timezone. Leverage these recommended periods and keep yourself from disrupting a customer’s work day while effectively optimizing the performance capabilities of this feature.

Best Practices for: Enhancing Performance

Trigger a push notification to your AIQ App Wallet following the scheduled Voice Drop. This creates a flow reminding customers to check out the deal details in their wallet, giving them further opportunity to explore your promotions and plan their trip to the store.

Interested in learning more on how to leverage the power of AIQ? Check out AIQ’s Academy or schedule a demo today 



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Use cases

Text Messaging

Automate fully personalized, intelligently timed text messages


Emails that drive real revenue and form customer loyalty

Push Notifications

Capture attention with customer web & native app notifications

Voice Drop

Deliver memorable voice memos straight to your customers

Direct Mail

Intelligent mail printed and shipped via behavior triggers

Abandoned Cart

Recover abandoned customer carts and the associated revenue


Leverage AI to craft dreamlike customer comms and optimize shopping experiences

Contests & Lotteries

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